How To Properly Secure a Dynamix-Equipped RZR on a Trailer

Careful how you strap your new RZR Pro R down or you’ll risk damaging the active suspension.

The 2022 Polaris RZR Pro R Ultimate being loaded on a trailer and strapped down.Image Source: Polaris Inc.

If you’re awaiting the arrival of your new Dynamix DV-equipped 2022 Polaris RZR Pro R, take note. You’ll need to follow a special sequence when trailering your rig to and from the trail to avoid damaging that fancy new suspension.

Loading and unloading of the side-by-side should be done as you normally would. It’s the strapping that needs extra care. The Dynamix DV suspension is computerized and defaults to a hard compression setting when the vehicle is off. If you attempt to strap it down without following Polaris’ special instructions, you could risk damaging suspension components or, worse, your RZR coming unstrapped as you drive.

Ensure that the vehicle is keyed to the on position and the suspension is set to comfort mode before strapping down your Dynamix-equipped RZR.Image Source: Polaris Inc.

According to Polaris, the ignition should be set to the on position with the engine off. With the Dynamix system active, select the comfort mode. This fully opens the valving and allows the suspension to be compressed as you tighten the straps without excessive pressure building up. If this process isn’t followed, the excessive pressure inside the shock body could harm your seals during transit or result in the suspension bouncing while in motion resulting in a strap coming off.

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