Watch a Can-Am Get Rescued From the Scene of a Scary Crash

Matt’s Off-Road Recovery picks up a Can-Am after its owner was life-flighted.

This wreck was worse than it looks, with the Can-Am driver getting airlifted to hospital.MORR

More often than not the Matt’s Off-Road Recovery videos we cover wind up with everyone happy and healthy after a treacherous recovery. But every so often the crew gets an easy rescue after the worst part of an incident is over. That’s definitely the case here.

The damage looks dramatic, but it wouldn’t take a skilled mechanic long to make this right.MORR

The crew gets called out to the scene of a wrecked Can-Am Maverick X3 in Utah’s Sand Hollow after the driver was airlifted from the scene. We don’t get a more detailed update than that, but the scene of the crash is all too familiar. It looks like the driver hit the edge of a steep drop-off with a bit too much speed, and things went south.

The rig ended up going end over end and breaking a steering knuckle. That’s less than a day’s repair if you know what you’re doing, but the broken rig isn’t the important thing here. Even seemingly benign everyday wrecks can have terrible consequences, and that’s the case here. A fun day on the trail turned bad quickly, and the expensive rescue is the least of the driver’s concern.

We hope whoever this was is recovering well, and for the rest of us let it be a reminder to keep your wits about you.

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